Category: Software


What’s in the latest Firefox upgrade?

Mozilla this week upgraded Firefox to version 85, adding to its overarching emphasis on privacy by isolating supercookies that some sites rely on to track users’ movements on the web.

Engineers also patched 13 vulnerabilities, five of which were marked “High,” Firefox’s second-most-serious label.

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Migrate from hdd to ssd/nvme

SSDs (Solid-State Drives) perform much better than HDDs in many known aspects, like speed, reliability, and durability. That’s why so many users, including you now, take it as a more suitable data storage or system installation option. With its increasingly known advantages and decreasing prices, SSDs become more and more popular.

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The 7 best Linux distributions for new users

The age-old question has returned, one that divides a certain community faster than a penguin can devour a mouthful of krill. That question? What are the best Linux distributions for new users? When you ask the question of the Linux community, they inevitably answer with the distribution they use. Why wouldn’t they? Loyalty has always been set at a fairly high bar with Linux. You find a distribution that’s perfect for you, and you want everyone to use it. Thing is, you probably forget that your Linux skills are likely considerably higher than the average user–and especially the new user.

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The best free antivirus for 2020

We spend a lot of time looking at the best paid antivirus suites on this site, but we don’t spend a lot of time talking about free antivirus solutions. Part of the reason is that the free versions are based on their paid counterparts.

If you see a paid version you like that offers a free version, you can safely assume the antivirus protection level is similar, save for any specific malware types the free version doesn’t cover.

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The Best Free Antivirus Protection for 2019

Free Malware, Spyware, and Adware Protection

When you throw a few bucks into a slot machine, you’re gambling on the possibility of a big payout. Leaving your computer without the defense of an antivirus software is another kind of gambling, but it’s a game you can only lose. Don’t be a mug; get an antivirus running on all your computers. You can still play the slots with the money you’ll save by choosing a free solution. Plenty are available, and the best of them beat out all but the top for-pay competitors. We’ve evaluated more than a dozen free antivirus tools, so dig into our reviews and pick the one that speaks to you.

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Mozilla might launch Firefox Premium in 2019

Mozilla CEO Chris Beard confirmed in an interview  that the organization plans to offer premium services in the near future.

Mozilla is aware of the organization’s dependency on search and the revenue that it brings in. About 90% of the overall revenue of Mozilla comes from search deals at the time of writing, the remaining ten percent from Pocket, donations, and other revenue sources.

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