
Naw Apple Ios 13

Many of us are familiar with the uniquely infuriating hell that is robocalls, and folks, I hate to say it, but the problem isn’t getting any better. A recently announced iPhone feature arriving with iOS 13, however, might help quiet some of those unknown callers by kicking them straight to voicemail. So far, I’m loving what I’m hearing.

There is certainly plenty to look forward to with iOS 13 (hello, system-wide Dark Mode). But I am pumped—PUMPED—for the forthcoming Silence Unknown Callers setting, which Apple explicitly states is meant to help prevent against spammers. Apple says that when this feature is enabled, iOS uses Siri “to allow calls to ring your phone from numbers in Contacts, Mail, and Messages.” Anything else gets sent straight to voicemail. See ya.

MacRumors reported testing the feature this week and said it performed well, with nary a ring from a random number when the setting was toggled on. According to the report, the feature hit a snag when the site attempted to test whether iOS would recognize a number shared via email, which didn’t appear to be the case. But that could change prior to the official release. (MacRumors did note that “we haven’t done extensive testing.”)

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